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My Work

This is my Project page. This is where I will add all of the websites and projects I make. As the year goes on this page will fill up with projects I have completed during this years Web Desgin class. This year we will be making all different types of websites such as fan pages, personal pages and blogs.

Sean Chenery - Locker.jpg
In this project we used to create a step by step tutorial to make something of our chosing. I love to bake so i made a "how to" on making a cake with a homemade frosting.

Project One

Locker  Project

Sean Chenery - Locker (1).jpg

For This project we were assigned to put design a set of lockers with a minimum of our ten favorite hobbies, foods, activities or tv shows; basically anything we enjoy.

Image by American Heritage Chocolate

In our third website we created a fan page for any celebrity. I chose NBA superstar, Giannis Antetokounmpo. In this website we had to photoshop photos of ourselves with the celebrity in different senarios. 

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For marking period two we were assigned the idea of making a website for our future selves. I chose to pretend I was a famous Astronaut and the product of the photoshops turned out very interesting.

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Magic Guitar

For this project we were given, as a class, different objects with the idea of making them have some sort of speical power or ability. I chose to give my guitar the ability to play any song at the requast of whoever uses its strings. This project turned out very cool and im excited for viewers to check it out.

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These are the 4 photoshops i worked on in MP4. They all came out very clean and my favorite is the Clarence and Joker one!

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My biggest  project of the year was my video I made using the word huderon. 

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